
Welcome to my French class blog. I hope to post periodically with updates on what's going on in class.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Les Français n'Oublieront Jamais

This is an organization in France (although it's name is in English) dedicated to the memory of fallen American heroes. It is a French organization, run by the French to honor Americans. 

I wrote a post over the summer about stereotypes that many Americans have about the French, and that many French have about Americans.  One that I left out, but that came up in class today, was the idea that the French hate Americans.  I can tell you unequivocally that is untrue.  My experiences in France were wonderful, and as an American I was warmly accepted by all of the French people I encountered (except one rude waiter, and those are everywhere, and a homeless person who wanted money from me).  I have numerous French colleagues on Twitter, and one of my other blogs has more hits from France than anywhere in the world except the US.

But I would like to return to this wonderful organization.  The French Will Never Forget.  In honor of the Americans killed in the tragedy on September 11, 2001, this organization will hold a ceremony at the Place du Trocadero (near the Eiffel Tower) where there will be symbolic replicas of the Twin Towers between the French and American flags.  This is a very powerful message from a country that has long been our ally.  It is true that our opinions have differed on certain issues throughout history, and no doubt that will continue.  But it remains the case that France and the United States are friendly nations, and our peoples will continue to share our cultures, learn from, and honor one another.


  1. i feel bad 4 9/11 ers ryan

  2. Sarina: I wanna go to France now. :D.

  3. starotyps are rong ppl soundnt talk bad about things they know barly anything about Jenny

  4. Lynnette i think those three paragraphs were good and lots of imformation.

  5. Savanna- I dont think the french hate americans. If they did then why would they be celibrating in honor to our contry about nine elevn. They obviously care about our people and oour contry. (at least most people do)

  6. its about the french tht hate americans but really they dont.

  7. Ryan -- I agree with you. The world rallied around the US when this happened. I think everyone realized how quickly something like this can change the world. mme

  8. Sarina -- I wish that opportunity for you! Mme

  9. Jenny -- I agree with you. Stereotypes can be very hurtful, and usually are based in ignorance.


  10. Lynnette -- Glad you enjoyed them!


  11. Savanna -- I think you're right. It makes sense to me. Mme
