
Welcome to my French class blog. I hope to post periodically with updates on what's going on in class.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Blog Post

This one will be quick, because it's the first! Here are the goings on for the week ending 10/29:

French 1B: We're finishing up regular -ir verbs, and review of regular -er verbs and the verb aller on Thursday. We'll be starting the irregular verbs beau/nouveau/vieux, and continuing to review clothing vocab.

French 2: We're taking our first lesson quiz on Thursday, and we'll be reviewing the verb être and learning lots of adjectives and idiomatic expressions

French 3: We've just begun our unit on House and Home. Students will be working on a unit-long project that will be done in groups with some individual components.  Check out this site which will be helpful with the "petite annonce" portion of your project:

Here's a site to help with your house design:

French Club: National French Week is November 1-5! The posters are made! Stay tuned for details on events and activities!

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